BMC Plant Biol:中国农科院丨油菜素内酯促黄瓜根系铵硝吸收机制-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

BMC Plant Biol:中国农科院丨油菜素内酯促黄瓜根系铵硝吸收机制

作者:旭月(北京)科技有限公司 2019-06-27T13:52 (访问量:2312)


期刊:BMC Plant Biology


标题:24-Epibrassinolide promotes NO3- andNH4+ ion flux rate and NRT1 gene expression in cucumber under suboptimal root zone temperature




作者:中国农业科学院蔬菜与花卉研究所Ali Anwar、李衍素、于贤昌



Suboptimal root zone temperature (RZT) causes a remarkable reduction in growth of horticultural crops during winter cultivation under greenhouse production. However, limited information is available on the effects of suboptimal RZT on nitrogen (N) metabolism in cucumber seedlings. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 24-Epibrassinolide (EBR) on nitrate and ammonium flux rate, N metabolism, and transcript levels of NRT1 family genes under suboptimal RZT in cucumber seedlings.

Suboptimal RZT (LT) negatively affected on cucumber growth and proportionately decreased EBR contents, bleeding rate, root activity, enzyme activities of nitrate reductase (NR), nitrite reductase (NiR), glutamine synthetase (GS), and glutamate synthase (GOGAT), nitrate (NO3−) influx rate, ammonium (NH4+) efflux rate, and transcript levels of nitrate transporter (NRT1) encoding genes. However, exogenous EBR reduced the harmful effects of suboptimal RZT and increased endogenous EBR contents, bleeding rate, root activity, enzyme activities of NR, NiR, GS, and GOGAT, NH4+ and NO3− flux rates and contents, and N accumulation. EBR-treated seedlings also upregulated the transcript levels of nitrate transporters CsNRT1.1, CsNRT1.2A, CsNRT1.2B, CsNRT1.2C, CsNRT1.3, CsNRT1.4A, CsNRT1.5B, CsNRT1.5C, CsNRT1.9, and CsNRT1.10, and downregulated CsNRT1.5A and CsNRT1.8. LT treatment upregulated the expression level of CsNRT1.5A, while exogenous BZR application downregulated the expression level of NRT1 genes.

These results indicate that exogenous application of EBR alleviated the harmful effects of suboptimal RZT through changes in N metabolism, NH4+ and NO3− flux rates, and NRT1 gene expression, leading to improved cucumber seedlings growth. Our study provides the first evidence of the role of EBR in the response to suboptimal RZT in cucumber, and can be used to improve vegetable production.



次优RZT(LT)对黄瓜生长有负面影响,并且比例降低EBR含量,出血率,根系活力,**还原酶(NR),亚**还原酶(NiR),谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT)的酶活性,**盐(NO3-)流入速率,铵(NH4 +)流出速率和**盐转运蛋白(NRT1)编码基因的转录水平。然而,外源EBR降低了次优RZT的有害作用,增加了内源EBR含量,出血率,根系活力,NR,NiR,GS和GOGAT的酶活性,NH4 +和NO3-通量率和含量以及N积累。 EBR处理的幼苗也上调了**盐转运蛋白CsNRT1.1,CsNRT1.2A,CsNRT1.2B,CsNRT1.2C,CsNRT1.3,CsNRT1.4A,CsNRT1.5B,CsNRT1.5C,CsNRT1.9和CsNRT1的转录水平。 .10,并下调CsNRT1.5A和CsNRT1.8。 LT处理上调CsNRT1.5A的表达水平,而外源BZR应用下调NRT1基因的表达水平。

这些结果表明,外源施用EBR通过改变N代谢,NH4 +和NO3-通量率以及NRT1基因表达减轻了次优RZT的有害作用,从而改善了黄瓜幼苗的生长。我们的研究首次证明了EBR在黄瓜中对次优RZT的反应中的作用,并可用于改善蔬菜生产。

Fig. 4 Effects of suboptimal RZT and EBR on NO3- (A; scatter NO3- flux rate, B; average NO3- flux rate) flux rate in roots of cucumber seedlings under suboptimal RZT treatment. Flux rate was recorded for 10 min in roots seven days after treatment. Each point is the mean of nine individual seedlings and bars indicate standard deviations. Treatments with the same letters are not significantly different by the least significant difference (LSD) test at P = 0.05


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